Monday, March 15, 2010

State Christians and Ghosts: A Scary Reality

I am always amazed when American Christians tell me that they don't believe in ghosts. In the christian religion Jesus, and others, rise from the dead, defeat demons, conjure up ghosts and perform a myriad of other supernatural acts. If these so called Christians believe in all of the aforementioned supernatural acts, then shouldn't they naturally believe in ghosts/demons?

What is most remarkable is that my Hindu and Muslim friends overwhelmingly believe in ghosts/demons. The reason that I believe the American "Christian" does not believe in ghosts is because they do not really believe that Jesus is God, or the son of God. Their God is the state. The reason they are "religious" is because they like how religion can scare people into "falling in line". By removing all the supernatural happenings, that did in fact occur in my opinion, from the Bible and then what is the point of even being a Christian. Once again, the answer is to have another set of moral codes to hold the proletariat to, so that they do not revolt against their slave masters. By focusing on the social order instead of the supernatural then it turns Jesus into a state lover rather than a crusader for social justice.

The Jesus that I pray to was a revolutionary. He did not ever condone "Christians", a Roman/Government term that was meant as an insult, to blindly follow the Legion. To be a "christian" was a revolutionary act.

The saying "give to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods" actually should be translated - give your money to what you believe is important. True followers of Jesus believe that God and the supernatural are real and State Christians believe that Caesar and social order are what is most important. Mike Huckabee worships a very small God that tells him to believe the government line. A real follower of the way, worships an almighty, supernatural powerful God that tells his followers to follow him and not the Government.

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