Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why Obama was elected President.

Senator Chris Dodd (D-Corrupt Bastard) and President Obama celebrate the sham that is an election.

The Corporate elite chose President Obama for two reasons(I'm going to assume that no one reading this is childish enough to believe that your vote mattered). Reason number one is that the corporations were tired of America being called racist. As an Austrian I can fully understand racial guilt. All German speaking people wear a "guilt hat" at all times, and rightfully so. Jewish people are very popular with German speakers these days and German speakers will do anything to help them out. After all, we did terrorize, rape, murder, and steal from them as a collective for many years in our history, including the Holocaust.

Racism? What racism?

Now the elites think that racism does not exist in the American empire anymore, just as the Eurofascists think that they are no longer fascist. The second reason is now the elites have a scape goat that the workers will readily blame. President Obama is the perfect scape goat for when Romney/Bachmann/Gen. David Betrayus/ Dr. Huckabee/ or Gingrich wins. After all Obama has, gasp, "black" skin, ( a term I never understood as an Austrian. The only people with black skin were ones suffering from cell death).

As Jimmy Carter became a scapegoat used to keep fiscally conservative, socially welcoming people from the White House, President Obama will be used to keep minorities out of the Caucasian House.

Barack Obama will become the new Jimmy Carter, a scape goat for neo-cons and their clownservative history. President Obama has and will continue to recieve rewards for his sacrifice to the corporate elites. He has served the corporate/government/media very well, bailing them out and serving their interests every second of his reign. He is promised a multi-million dollar book deal, a few mansions across the empire, and lucrative speaking engagements. His great-great-great- grandkinds will want for nothing.

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