In January 2010, former CIA agent Charles S. Faddis announced that he was "throwing my lot" in with the Reform Party USA. This was truly convenient because the Reform Party USA received 418 votes in the 2008 presidential election, running perennial candidate Ted Weil of Mississippi as their presidential standard bearer. Mr. Faddis, a former CIA operations officer who served for twenty years in the Near East, South Asia and Europe, is on record of opposing any limitations on CIA interrogations of captured terrorists, certainly not a virtue of the classical liberal Reform Party. However, Mr. Faddis's "conversion" to the Reform Party proves that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has been monkeying around not only in the Two-Thirds World, but also in Third Party Politics.
CIA operative, hater of civil liberties and recent Reform Party member Charles Faddis
You might be asking yourself, "Why in the world would the CIA care about Third Party politics? Aren't they really marginal?" The reason that Third Parties are marginal is because of government and CIA barriers and infiltrations that keep the unnatural two party duopoly in power and reinforce the false "left-right" paradigm that didn't even exist during the French Revolution (when it is claimed to have begun). We need only look at the history of third parties since 1990 to see the infiltration of CIA operatives in their party ranks.
Henry Ross Perot: Public Enemy #1 for the Two-Party Duopoly
In 1992, H. Ross Perot, a billionaire Texas computer magnate, entered the 1992 presidential race promising to bring about an independent populist voice for a nation in recession and suffering from the mismanagement of the Reagan-Bush Years. Perot's folksy speaking style, television chats with charts and powerful debate performances ("I certainly have no experience ringing up a multimillion dollar debt") shook the two-party duopoly to it's core. On Election Day, Perot won 19% of the vote and nearly won the state of Maine. More than 19 million American voters "wasted" their vote on the little man from Texas with the big idea of creating an American third-party. The two-party duopoly was HORRIFIED by Perot's success and so they went about taking over the presidential campaign season.
Three men in a presidential debate? Surely you jest!
In 1995, the League of Women Voter's lost control of the presidential debates and the federal Election Commission (FEC) took the reins of them. The FEC set forth the impossible rules that a candidate must be polling at 15% or higher in an AVERAGE OF NATIONAL POLLS for them to participate in a televisied debate. In 1996, Perot, running for president a second time, was excluded from the debates and only took 8 million votes because the FEC was alligned against his campaign. The two major parties had hijacked American presidential elections to keep any third party candidate from ever getting above 5% of the popular vote ever again. In 2008, third party candidates didn't even take 2% of the vote.
Before Perot dropped out of the presidential election in July 1992 (simply to reenter in September 1992) he told the nation that former CIA Director, president George Herbert Walker Bush, had sent spies to his daughter's wedding. As Mr. Faddis showed this year, Mr. Perot was telling the truth. The CIA was spying on Perot because they wished to release any damning evidence of illegal or immoral activities on the man from Texas in order to sink his movement. Perot was called "crazy" by a complacent media, but now we know that CIA agents had had an interest in the Reform Party since Perot's independent bid for president in 1992.
Pat Buchanan: Nixon aide, Reagan crony and CIA operative
In 2000, lifetime Republican Patrick J. Buchanan, who worked for both the Nixon and Reagan White Houses, had a miraculous political epiphany and decided to run for the Reform Party nomination for president of the United States. His bullying and vindictive campaign for president forced hotel mogul Donald Trump, Governors Jesse Ventura and Richard Lamm and several other more legitimate presidential contenders out of the race for the Reform Party nomination and Buchanan won the nomination. He took the Reform Party to the extreme right, alienating the classical liberal constituents who made up the party constituency. This was a hostile CIA take over of the Reform Party. Buchanan is an ivy league, Washington, D.C., elitist who attended Georgetown University (otherwise known as CIA University because it graduates a record number of future CIA operatives every year) and worked as an enforcer for socialist President Richard Milhous Nixon. If any man was not in sync with the Reform Party, it was the neo-theocratic Pat Buchanan. The fact that Buchanan selected anti-homosexual rights activist Ezola Foster, whop defended racial segregation in the South, as his running-mate is proof that the ticket was a CIA backed plot against the Reform Party.
Since 2000, where Buchanan took less than 500,000 votes compared to 8 million for Perot in 1996, the Reform Party has been on a super steady decline. The CIA coup has destroyed the Reform Party. The Buchanan suicide mission in 2000 was a success and America's third party has yet to be born. However, the Reform Party is not the only party where CIA operatives have strangled a legitimate anti-establishment movement.
Bob Barr preparing to strangle the Libertarian Party
2008 was the next year in which a major threat was levied against the two party duopoly. Another big eared, big brained Texan had introduced idea that the CIA did not like and they needed to quiet this movement before it could make any real change to the system. This Texan was Congressman Ron Paul and his movement was the Ron Paul Revolution. Despite the corporate media's war against Congressman Paul, he still managed to raise more money than any other GOP candidate in the primaries and won every post-debate poll (Much to the chagrin of media and CIA hacks Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity). With this new, libertarian, anti-establishment, anti-CIA force building up the CIA sent one of it's own to hijack the Libertarian Party: former Congressman and white supremacist Bob Barr.
Bob Barr made an interesting "conversion" to the Libertarian Party in 2006. Despite the fact that he was a former Drug Czar, federal prosecutor, CIA agent and Central American medeler, Bob Barr had a MIRACULOUS change of heart in 2006. Despite the fact that Barr was a supporter of the war on drugs (and still is), voted for the PATRIOT Act, voted fro the Iraq War Resolution, voted for BIll Clinton's Comprehensive Ant-Terrorism Act of 1995, voted to ban the practice of Wicca in the military, introduced the anti-freedom Defense of Marriage Act and led the hypocritical impeachment of Bill Clinton inn1998 (Barr has been married three times and was caught licking whip cream off a woman at a 1981 Republican fundraiser) he claimed to have completely ended his CIA and neo-conservative ways by the time he hijacked the Libertarian Party in 2008.
It should be noted that the the 2008 Libertarian National Convention Barr did not start out as the front-runner. The front-runner was Wayne Allyn Root, a bad libertarian but not a CIA plant. Professor Mary Ruwart of Texas, an anarcho-libertarian, was nipping at Root's heals. Barr was a distant third, that was until an amazing shift occurred in balloting. How did this occur? I do not know, seeing how Barr entered the race late and was generally disliked by his fellow Libertarian National Committee members. I guess they all had a miraculous change of heart!
Now excuse me while I throw-up. Bob Barr hijacked the Libertarian Party to stop it from nominating an actual libertarian for the office of the presidency. Like Pat Buchanan in 2000, Barr's suicide mission has fractured the Libertarian Party and further strengthened the two-party duopoly. As of 2010, the Libertarian Party has dropped in membership and donations because of the nomination of CIA plant Bob Barr and media stooge Wayne Allyn Root as it's presidential and vice-presidential standard bearers. The CIA has killed the Libertarian Party.
Barr and Root celebrating the death of the Libertarian Party
Typical iconography of Robert E. Lee: A Traitor Beloved by the Lost Cause Aristocrats
Following the subjugation of the South by President Abraham Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression, a new movement arose in the martyred Southern States: the Lost Cause. The Lost Cause was the second great literary movement in the American South and it was lead by the same people who founded the first great literary movement: the antebellum Plantain planters. The Lost Cause authors ( historian Edward Pollard, poet Abram Ryan) protrayed such men as General Robert Edward Lee as a Southern noble. They stated that losses on the battlefield were inevitable due to Northern superiority in resources and manpower. Finally, they wrote that Lee was a perfect commander and that the ONLY reason his army was unable to succeed was because of inept subbordinates. The Lost Cause was, in effect, a collection of very wealthy Southern aristocrats who wanted to ignore the reality that Robert E. Lee was a triator to the Southern cause.
Lee in his Union Man costume: One he secretly wore during the Civil War
We must first look at traitor Robert E. Lee's pre-war experiences. He was the son of "Light Horse Harry" Lee, a close aide to General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. His mother was Anne Carter Lee, the granddaughter of Southern aristocrat and big time capitalist slave driver Robert "King" Carter. Being raised by his mother, Robert was told to adhere to the dictates of the Union. "Light Horse Harry" Lee would go broke and hightail it to the Caribbean, but still write his son letters about the wisdom of the revolution and the United States government. In 1825 Lee went off to West Point Military Academy to learn about how best to serve his country. As a typical overachiever, he achieved the rank of sergeant after his first year and was such a tight ass that he did not break a single rule in four years. Graduating a brevet second lieutenant of engineers, Lee was sen as a rising Union officer who was meant to do great things for the Union. In 1831 Lee continued on his path of becoming a great Union stooge by marrying Mary Anna Randolph Custis, the great-granddaughter of Martha Washington and the step-great granddaughter of Virginia Federalist John Randolph. Lee had now married into the biggest Union family he could find.
During the Mexican War General Winfield "Old Fuss and Feathers" Scott talked up Lee as his possible successor and Lee was rewarded with being the commandant of West Point. This was yet another plumb government job given to the man who was now making marrying into government his life long profession. Lee was seen as a the new "golden boy" of the Union, known as the "Marble Man" amongst his contemporaries. He was given chief roles in engineering jobs from Texas to California to the Mississippi River. One can only wonder why Lee was unwilling to fight against a government that had given him such favorable treatment. The answer is that Lee never intended to fight against the Union, as his immediate repose following the secession of South Carolina shows.
General David Emanuel Twiggs: A Southern Patriot
When Texas seceded from the Union in February 1861, General David E. Twiggs surrendered all the American forces (4,000 in the Department of Texas) to the Confederate forces of Texas. Twiggs resigned from the U.S. Army and was given a rank in the Confederate Army. Lee, who was a member of the Department of Texas, did not join his fellow Southerners in joining the Confederate fight for independence. Instead, Lee returned to Washington, D.C., as was named a colonel in the First U.S. Calvary in March 1861. President Abraham Lincoln signed Lee's lates6t promotion and offered control of the Union largest army to Lee with the promise of being made a Major General. However, the Union man Lee, who abandoned his compatriots in Texas, had a plan to destroy the new Southern nation and become it's greatest "hero" in the process.
The Arlington House Plot
The Arlington House Plot is what I refer to as the greatest plot against freedom in American history. Robert E. Lee was not a fan of the War for Southern Independence. As late as March 1861 Lee was attacking the Southern cause as "revolutionary" and "A betrayal of the efforts of our founders." As late as March 28, 1861, Lee has accepted a promotion to the rank of colonel in the U.S. Calvary. He ignored an offer of command of Confederate Armies and told an associate that he would, "Never bear arms against the Union." He never did bear arms against the Union, he simply "carried his musket" and put up a good show fight. The Arlington House Plot was when Lee decided to leave the United States Army to begin an aristocratic plot to destoy the Confederacy.
The Battle of Cheat Mountain: The Sell-Out Begins
The Battle of Cheat Mountain showed the type of commander that Robert E. Lee was: a traitor commander. Western Virginia was very important to the early Confederate war strategy as it had the seat of the Virginia Railroad and also had several federal armories. At the Battle of Cheat Mountain, Lee, who was in command, allowed his subordinate officers to stumble around in fog and winding woods and mountains for two days before they all independently attacked an untrained Union force at Fort Milroy. The Union lost only ten fewer men then Lee's force, yet he ordered a complete withdrawal from the area. When General William W. Loring demanded a renewed assault into Western Virginia in later 1861, Lee refused to do so, citing a "Lack of supplies." It is interesting to note that later in the war a "lack of supplies" did not stop Lee from marching. It was Lee's traitorous behavior in Western Virgina that led to the fall of West Virginia and the needed railroad to the Union in 1862.
A Few Fortuitous "Accidents": Two Johnston's are Denied Generalship of the Army of Richmond
Friendly fired seemed to follow General Lee wherever he and Traveler rode throughout the Civil War. After his traitorous behavior in Western Virginia, Lee was put out to pasture in Richmond to dig some ditches. It looked as if the Arlington House Plot had failed and the South would succeed in it's war for independence. However, Confederate President Jefferson Davis, a West Pointer like Lee, decided that the Union loving Lee would make a good chief strategist for him. General Joseph E. Johnston, the master of the strategic retreat who had won the Battle of Bull Run, was doing an outstanding job keeping General George Brinton McClellan at bay during the Peninsula Campaign of Spring 1862. Through a series of withdrawals, General Johnston saves his fighting force until he fought the far larger Army of the Potomac to a standstill at the Battle of Seven Pines.
The fact that Johnston's outnumbered two-to-one army fought the Union force away from Richmond is a testament to Johnston's military genius, but Johnston was not liked by President Davis or General Lee. Strangely Johnston, who was not harmed in much thicker fighting at the Battle of Bull Run, was injured at the Battle of Seven Pines and replaced by Robert E. Lee, who had failed to show any leadership acumen during his time in Western Virginia. Why didn't President Davis withdraw General Albert Sidney Johnston from the losing battle in Tennessee and send him out East? After all, A.S. Johnston outranked Lee under the Confederate order of new generals. This has never been answered, and the fact that friendly fire killed Albert Sydney Johnston at the Battle of Shiloh further makes an inquisitive mind wonder what really put Lee in charge of the Army of the James (renamed by Lee the Army of Northern Virgina).
Rest in Pace Old Stonewall Jackson
Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson is one of the most beloved commanders of the American Civil War. His brilliant encompassing of the Union right-flank at the Battle of Chancellorsville still amazes military historians to this day. One of the reasons that General Jackson was able to lead amazing assaults on Union armies was his ability to gather intelligence and make night assaults. In fact, his night assaults were legendary north and south. This is why it is fishy that on the night of May 2, 1863, Confederate soldiers inexplicably fired on Jackson and his staff as they were riding on a twilight reconnaissance after the Battle of Chancellorsville. Government historians claim that a Major Berry was afraid that the oncoming horsemen, of whom they should have been familiar with, were Union soldiers. "It's a damned Yankee trick," is the stock statement that government historians claim Major Berry said in response to the fact that Jackson and his riders had positively identified themselves. A band of North Carolina riflemen then inexplicably opened fire on a band of riders. This does not match ANY protocol of how to deal with riders during the Civil War. NO regiment would fire a volley, and then a second volley, into a cavalcade of riders after a positive identification. Additionally, why was this Major Berry not charged by the Confederate government with disorderly conduct for firing on a small contingency of horsemen? There was no proof that these horsemen were anything more than message carriers and under the the accepted conduct of war in the 1860s you were punished if you "shot the messenger."
James Longstreet: Lee's Constant Foil
Why did Robert E. Lee invade Pennsylvania in June 1863? The history books have put forth several scenarios. The generally forgotten reason is that the Gettysburg Campaign would lead General Ulysses S. Grant to send soldiers from the Army of Tennessee to the east to protect the nation's capital from a Confederate assault through Pennsylvania and Maryland. This would weaken Grant's foothold outside of the Confederate Gibraltar at Vicksburg, Mississippi. General Lee, in my opinion, released that a successful invasion of Pennsylvania was a very long shot for his army and a gift for Northern forces. After all, soon after Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania the Union replaced General Joe Hooker with General George Gordon Meade, a Pennsylvanian who knew the area of Gettysburg very well. Lee was walking into a trap in Pennsylvania and he knew it. It was what the Union spy Lee wanted. This is why he turned down several much better plans by General James Longstreet, who was the commander of the First Corp of the Army of Northern Virginia.
Following the assassination of Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville, James Longstreet argued that all or part of his corp should be sent to Tennessee for the Summer 1863 campaign season. General Longstreet argued to Lee that if General Braxton Bragg, Commander of the Department of the Mississippi, could be reinforced by his corp the Army of the Ohio under General William Rosecrans, a Union officer and German immigrant, could then be overwhelmed and the Army of the Ohio would no longer be in Tennessee to guard Grant's supply lines at the Central Railway. With his supply trains captured and the Union held government at Memphis, Tennessee (under future president Andrew Johnson) threatened by Bragg's army Grant would be forced to withdraw from Vicksburg to defend Tennessee and resupply his army. This was the best plan for victory but Lee ignored it. It had historical precedent (see the early Vicksburg Campaign) and made tactical sense to Confederate Secretary of War James Seddon. However, Lee insisited on his long shot invasion of Pennsylvania. As Longstreet wrote in his autobiography, "His plan or wishes announced, it became useless and improper to offer suggestions leading to a different course."
James Longstreet was a constant enemy of Lee's because he wanted to fight a defensive war that would have led to victory for the Southern cause, which was the exact opposite of what Lee wanted. Longstreet urged Lee that throughout the Pennsylvania Campaign, "We should work so as to force the enemy to attack us, in such good position as we might find in our own country." Even during an invasion wise General Longstreet wanted a defensive war. After the first day of Battle at Gettysburg, Longstreet advised Lee to withdraw from the field of battle and to set up fortifications at, "Ground more accommodating to our side." Longstreet saw at Gettysburg a Chancellorsville in reverse- The Union had the high ground and had strategically set up cannon on Cemetery Hill, thus denying the Confederates the ability to take that most strategic of hills. Longstreet advised Lee to withdraw to York, Pennsylvania, a city that Generals Jubal Early and "Extra Billy" Smith had captured three days previous. Despite his "Lost Cause" record of being a tactical genius, Lee turned down this wise advice to focus on a suicide mission called Pickett's Charge (more appropriately Pickett-Trimble-Anderson's Charge). In Lee's tactical traitor plan he would throw three divisions at the well-fortified Union position of Cemetery Hill. IN order to find a scapegoat for this travesty, Lee selected Longstreet. Despite the fact that only one division in the charge (that of George Pickett) belonged to Longstreet's Corp, Lee gave his constant foil the unenviable task of sending three divisions to sure destruction. Lost Cause writers have since blamed Longstreet, the man who opposed Lee's traitorous behavior, for Confederate defeat at Gettysburg.
It is interesting to note that after the fall of Vicksburg, when it didn't even matter, Lee allowed Longstreet to go to Tennessee with his corp. Had Lee allowed this to occur in June 1863 it is likely that Vicksburg would not have fallen and Lincoln would have had no victory to run on in the 1864 presidential election. To conclude the case against Lee with Mr. Longstreet as a witness, on May 4th, 1864, Longstreet was wounded during the Battle of the Wilderness, accidentally shot by his own men only about 4 miles away from the place where Jackson suffered the same fate a year earlier.
Lee is congratulated for a plot well delivered by General and future president Ulysses S. Grant
On April 9th, 1865, General Lee decided that his charade had gone on long enough. Despite the fact that General Joseph E. Johnston could have teamed up with the Army of Northern Virginia and fought on. Despite the fact that Confederate raiders wanted to wage a guerrilla war. Despite the fact that the people of the Confederacy welcomed more war and President Davis called for a continuation of the war effort from Danville, Virginia, on April 7th, 1865, Lee still decided to surrender to Ulysses S. Grant, a man he had been accommodating since 1863.
It is interesting to note that Grant did not take Lee prisoner after the surrender. This is rather unprecedented because Grant was known for taking Confederate generals prisoner (see the Battles of Fort Henry and Donnelson, 1862) and because of the simple fact that Lee was the leader of the largest army in a four year rebellion against the established government of the United States. It is far more than Grant's questionable magnanimity that led him to give extremely favorable treatment to Lee's Army. After all, Grant was known for his love of unconditional surrender and total defeat of armies, that is why President Lincoln gave him control of the Army of the Potomac in March 1864.
Additionally, Lee is the only defeated general of a rebel army that did not flee the nation in which he led the unsuccessful revolt. After the defeat of the Cavaliers in the English Civil War, the royalists fled to France. After the defeat of the anarchist trade union in the Spanish Civil War, the anarchists fled to France. However, after the defeat of the Confederate States of America, Lee, the leader of it's largest army, did not flee to Mexico or Canada, even though he was given the chance on multiple occasions. President Davis and Secretary of War John C. Breckenridge attempted to flee to Mexico (Breckenridge would eventually end up in Brazil and Canada), but Lee did not flee. Instead, he was never put on trial and immediately reapplied for United States citizenship, an act that is unprecedented in the history of revolution.
Lee as an old traitor: He destroyed the South, his work was done.
In conclusion, Robert Edward Lee was a Union spy who took control of the Southern Cause to lead the new agrarianism nation to certain defeat. The South could have won the Civil War by fighting a defensive war, as General Ngyuen Giap and George Washington won the Vietnam War and the Revolutionary War respectively. Lee was a Union golden boy who fought as a Union agent against the Southern cause.
As you can see the Federal Government has it's own goals when it comes to the price of food.
Currently, a massive new Farm Bill is being debated in Congress. While it is not as sexy as the Health Care "Reform" Act, this Farm Bill is directly related to the health of America's kids and working class. This Farm Bill decides what are kids are feed the in institutions called public schools. The bill provides billions of dollars in subsidies for ConAgra, the food company that pumps steroids and soy into their cows, chickens and vegetables to make them plumper and more chemically skewed. These artificially fattened bovines and chickens are what McDonalds and their ilk purchase when producing a Big Mac, McChickens or whatever skewed Irish name they give their food poison. The government is funding the obesity of America through their Farm Bill. Below is a chart showing the percentage of money placed in Agribusiness research by world governments (chart thanks to Dr. Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon):
The United States leads the world in poisoning it's children.
The small time fruits and vegetable growers are left out of this government subsidizing free-for-all. While ConAgra meats and dairy products are given 73.80% of all government subsidization of food, fruits and vegetable growers are given less than 1% (o.37%) of subsidization under the Farm Bill of 2007. This encourages ConAgra to produce more than it needs to and leads to the shutting down of independent fruit and vegetable growers who need additional funding to compete with Big Agriculture. It is for this reason that a fresh salad costs $5.35 and a Big Mac costs $2.25. Government subsidizing in the Un-Free Market is what is making Americans fat.
Don't be shy, poor kids, dig in!
With way too much subsidization, ConAgra does not need to sell everything it "grows" in Super Markets (legalized and encouraged drug dens). The government will actually buy surplus foods like dairy products, beef and other fatty meats and give them to federal school lunch programs. These school lunch programs are the only real meal that many poor kids receive, and thus the government is purposely poisoning them with genetically altered food.
The poor in the United States are being forced to eat poison that makes them obese and kills them at an early age. This is a direct government plot to deal with the "problem" that is the working poor. To prove this point we need only look at the following chart (provided graciously by
The fattest states in the Union are Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and West Virginia. These states are also the poorest states in the Union. Consider the following facts (as provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, 2008):
The poorest states in the United States by yearly income, 2008:
40. South Carolina 41. Louisiana 42. Montana 43. Tennessee 44. New Mexico 45. Oklahoma 46. Alabama 47. Kentucky 48. Arkansas 49. West Virgnia 50. Mississippi
As you can see the fattest states in the Union are also the poorest. The government has one great goal: to eliminate the poor/minorities of the country so that the wealthy elite may rule without anger from that foolish proletariat. Through funding ConAgra and their evil ilk the United States government is murdering with a Big Mac.
First Al Gore created phony Goldman Sachs backed "carbon credits"- which enables people to pollute if you can find another person who doesn't pollute and pay him, and the government, a tax. Sage Prediction- In our lifetime a person will have to find a person who does not have over 2.5 kids, and pay them for not producing and then pay the government a tax for overproducing. Watch for it.
As a conspiracy theorist I am amazed that the masses believe that Tina Fey is funny. So many in the establishment media have claimed her impersonation of Sarah Palin was "spot on". Her impersonation was lazy,both intellectually and physically. It was basically Tina Fey playing herself while wearing a Palin costume. Fey didn't bother to change her voice,mannerisms, or get into character like even your average unpaid community theater enthusiast would do. Two aspects cab be gleamed from this: 1) Western people are dumb, easily swayed, and are duped. Classic example of "emperor's new clothes syndrome". 2) Tina Fey knows some establishment thug.She has no recognized talent.
James Cameron shows off an award that makes up for his lack of manhood.
James Cameron made a made for TV film that should have aired on Hallmark Channel called Titanic, and he made an "eye candy" film called Avatar that is bragged up as visually stunning despite having graphics that look straight out of a cheesy mid-1990's Sega CD role playing game.
The 1996 made for TV mini-series film "Titanic", directed by Robert Lieberman. Where's his Oscar?
Cameron stole the plot of Titanic from an actual made for TV film that aired on NBC in 1996. Cameron stole the plot of Avatar from Dancing with The Wolves, The Last Samurai, 7 Years in Tibet, GI Joe etc, but he considered a genius.
As a conspiracy theorist I view this in two lights:
1)Western people are dumb and easily amused. They also easily conform to popular trends-the Anti-Christ will have the easiest job in the world.
2) The CIA is using MK ULTRA or one of its variations to watch Cameron's corporate ass-water.
"The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we are afraid."
~ Richard Bach, American author
The average worker is given a choice. These two choices are the only real dichotomy. The left-right dichotomy, the liberal/conservative dichotomy, the McCain/Obama dichotomy are all false dichotomies. The only real dichotomy is pro-truth or pro-complacency. This dichotomy is summed up in the following choices:
1) Learn the truth about their slave masters and change their life, improve their mind and body.
2) Be lied to and continue sucking down poison and enjoying football.
Obviously, judging by how corrupt our masters are allowed to be, the first choice is ragingly popular. Very few Americans wish to see what their government really does behind the scenes. They wish to live being lied to and the ruling class is more than happy to oblige them.
A group of American students celebrate their bright future of becoming school loan debt slaves!
"The very fact that they were poets made them think that they had a perfect understanding of all other subjects, of which they were totally ignorant," Socrates tells the people of Athens in his Apology, explaining to the people that the poets of Athens were not geniuses in everything and could never be! This was a basic tenant of Socratic thought: "I knwo that I do not know." In American universities today, however, Socratic thought is limited to "Intro to Political Thought 1010" where the drunken freshmen complain about how "boring" the professor is and how they would much rather be drinking and/or sexing. However, in the American university system (Big University) the "liberal arts" are trying to make an expert out of every student on every subject. This is not Socratic in the least and only a plan to make Big University millions at the cost of American students becoming student loan slaves.
David Metzen: One of Many Little Education Eichmann's Leading the March to Student Debt Slavery
Record numbers of sheep are buying into the college Ponzi scheme. A Google search of "record number of students enrolled in college" yields 16,000,000 hits. Every state in the union has a their own thread where the education department of the state is bragging about the record enrollments in state and private colleges. David Metzen, director of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, said education officials have been working tirelessly over the years to increase the number of students going to college. "I think the next big shift is going to be working with the students that are there and working very hard at completing what they finish," Metzen told Minnesota Public Radio (MPR). Mr. Metzen (whose name almost sounds like "metzger" the German word for "butcher") is more than happy to enslave children in the perpetual debt as long as he can meet his self-determined quotas of college attendance. The scary thing is, Mr. Metzen is only ONE OF MILLIONS of educational bureaucrats whose job is to con kids into going to college.
How our College System works.
Here is how the scheme works: First the "student" (ho or bro) goes to college where they the government pays for them for 4 years. In 1965 big Dimmycrat Lyndon Baines Johnson took time off of overthrowing Central American governments and killing John F. Kennedy to sign the Higher Education Act of 1965. This was the slave pact that the Great Society signed for a generation of American young people. The law was intended “to strengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in postsecondary and higher education.” This lofty goal was exactly what the government hoped for. It was the silk statement for an iron rule.
Claiborne Pell: Father of Pell Grants and Inventor of Student Debt Slavery
With the patrician Senator Claiborn Pell (D-RI) leading the way, the Federal Pell Grant was invented and the chains of school slavery were placed on the ankles of every middle class American student. These grants can be taken out by ANY student (provided you don't reach *gasp* 180 credit hours!) and, under GEAR UP Program (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) these Pell Grants can no longer be denied to any student who does not have a drug charge. Under the 1998 GEAR UP Program the government stated that all Pell grants and GEAR UP scholarships had to cover 75% of academic costs for a four year college. This is a big sell-out to Big University because the university can just continue to hike costs of living expenses and use this GEAR UP requirement as the reason that they are raising rates.
Future Scholar
The second part to the College Ponzi Scheme is refusing graduation to students. Students can easily find themselves one class short of graduation. This is a classic example of "Bait and Switch" in which the Big University allows students to come to class, but they switch graduation requirements. Across the nation Grandfather Clauses that protected students from new requirements are being stripped away all in the name of "liberal arts." The liberal arts program is what makes it impossible to graduate college in less than four years. Big University administrators know that if they attempt the fallacy of making everyone an expert on everything, then they can make a killing by forcing deluded college debt slaves to trod through courses that make NO DIFFERENCE in their chosen career path.
"This slavery sure is interesting!"
The third step to the College Ponzi Scheme is the lack of employment that mass education leads to. The large amount of people with college degrees have now led employers to view the degree as a very expensive high school diploma. A college education today is NOT AN ASSURANCE you will get a job. Once the bro or ho receives their diploma they are off to get their master's degree or doctorate. The scariest part of this third step is the number of people going off to law school. Take a look at this chart below:
The number of people taking an LSAT (Legal Scholastic Aptidtude Test) is way up. Enrollment in law schools are way up. The government is using this debt slavery to lead people to take up more debt and become law minions. Thus the road to serfdom is completed through college. College debt slavery is established, no jobs can be found and more than 60,000 new lawyers will be hitting the streets of America ready to oppress the working man. As Louie Armstrong sang, "And I think to myself/What a wonderful world."
Law school students joining the FFA: Future Fascists of America
I've noticed America has followed my European homelands lead, and cities everywhere are requiring all households to purchase expensive plastic garbage cans in order for our trash masters to haul our garbage away. They have a special mechanized beast that has an attachment to pick up the plastic cans. Of course all the cans you are forced to purchase have a serial code number to track the contents of your household amongst other nefarious schemes.
There are reasons given for the forced purchase of garbage cans: 1) Save the environment 2) Save the worker from injury. Obviously these reasons are lies.
A communist bear makes sure that our trash is green and fascist enough.
The real reason is for our government slave masters to save more money to pay themselves, using the workers taxes/wages of course. A side benefit to our rulers is the policing benefit of tracking garbage. Green police will soon visit the American Empire household very shortly.
Neo-Cons are up in arms again because President Obama appeared on the corporate/government sport channel ESPN to pick college b-ball games on air. "Shouldn't he be doing somemething more Presidential like defending us from evil and healing our economy?", the Neo-Cons ask.
President Obama celebrating one of America's favorite stereotypes.
Obama is protecting the American Empire. The President job is to confuse the workers into belieivng everything is okay and the worker needs the government. By picking sport winners on tv he is reassuring the working rube that economic meltdown is not imminent and that his toy soldiers are easily killing off all the boogeybads.
Sports are used to unite and confuse the worker, Alex Jones has already proved as much in his great works.
"Hey! I'm your friendly NCAA referee, how can I screw you over today?"
The NCAA Tournament has started and already the refs are busy picking winners. I hope no one is childish to believe that sports are real. Sports are all like professional wrestling- the winners are chosen before hand and the athletes try their best to make it look real-even pathetically trying their best to beat their opponent. However, it is all in vain because the refs, like the government in real life, pick the winner by using "legislation" or in this case, "rule calls", to sway the game.
Tim Donaghy: Hero
Tim Donaghy spilled the beans on the referee community. Refs are told who should be given "help" to win, so that "gasp" big corporate networks get more ratings and more profits from the workers. Do yourself a favor and don't buy into this scheme. If you do watch sports, watch it as if it were ballet and admire the skilled, kinestheticaly aware dancers.
This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars...
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
Against the envy of less happier lands, -
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England. William Shakespeare, Richard II
The Untied Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has lost what it once held so dear: An empire that the sun never set on. Through a series of unnecessary wars (like the War for Poland, otherwise known as World War II), corrupt colonial administrations (see: Africa) and upheaval at home Great Britain has been reduced to a second class power and "this blessed plot of earth" has become a tired, bankrupt and odd little republic that is heavily reliant on the kindness of others. The empire was dead by 1948, but a new organization and a new movement would help the United Kingdom to continue it's war on poor brown people and make millions in the process.
Julian Huxley: The First Director of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization was founded in 1948 and Sir Julian Huxley was made it's first director. The United Nations (UN) would serve as the new instrument of neo-colonialism in the the post-World War II world. Huxley, a secular humanist and one of the leading figures in Eugenics theory in the 1940s, envisioned UNESCO as a group which would enforce a type of world humanism and create a green religion that all men would have to worship. In his1946 document calling for the group's creation, Sir Huxley defined two main roles for UNESCO and what would become the "Green Movement." The two main goals of UNESCO were to be popularizing the need for eugenics, and protecting wildlife through the creation of national parks, especially in former colonies in Africa. With a $550 million annual budget, UNESCO funds a vast network of conservation groups. It sets global rules of "protection of wildlife" from mines, hydroelectric dams, sovereign industry, modern housing and any other amenity that may help the impoverished peoples of Africa or Asia find self-sustaining worth.
Sir Julian Huxley is also the founder of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a Swedish organization founded also in 1948. Huxley's IUCN controls more than 95 government agencies and 568 non-governmental agencies. These agencies are all aiming to reach Huxley's ultimate goal of global eugenics and neo-colonial control.
The Nature Conservancy: It Owns You
The Nature Conservancy was founded in 1949; one year after the Huxley scheme began. The Nature Conservancy is one of four environmental research councils under the British royalty's Privy Council (where the term “privy to information” derives from). After World War II, the Nature Conservancy would replace MI6 as the most powerful organization under the British Crown.Max Nicholson, the permanent secretary to the deputy prime minister in 1949, wrote the legislation for the Nature Conservancy. When it passed Parliament, he resigned his post to become the new head of the new agency. This type of “Third Way Economics” is now commonplace in the Western World. It was Nicholson who developed the strategy of the Nature Conservancy purchasing property throughout the world and then enforcing strict, if not impossible, green guidelines on the area. Since 1950, the Nature Conservancy has declaredthat, “Land acquisition, a key protection tool for the Conservancy” is now priority one for the green movement. Acting under Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” the Nature Conservancy has created The Natural Heritage Network which polices land held in the rural United States (against the United States Constitution), Central America, Canada and South America. It has purchased the debt of Costa Rica, has signed agreements with the United States Department of Defense, has tricked congress into “protecting” wildlife parks in Latin America and the Caribbean and, in 1991, expanded to the rest of the globe through the Last Great Places: An Alliance for People and the Environment initiative. This initiative is a multinational, $300 million effort to protect large-scale ecosystems and create “buffer zones” in impoverished African nations that has halted any independent wealth creation in Britain’s former colonies.
The Ford Foundation and the Nature Conservancy: An Alliance of Evil
One of the most important factors of the neo-colonial Green Movement is that corporations are the biggest supporters of this power grab. In 1965, a generous donation from the corporatist Ford Foundation (whose founder was a known Nazi sympathizer and Jew hater) enabled the Nature Conservancy to hire its first full-time president. This Hegelian paper pusher was Tom Richards, a former IBM executive. The Little Eichmann Richards introduced management techniques from IBM. These included creating a corporate board, making deals with governments that led to billion dollar conservation contracts and purchasing the government of Chile in 2003. Ford and the former British Empire have worked well together in continuing Anglo dominance over the globe.
In July 2008, Mark Tercek, the former head of the GoldmanSachsCenter for Environmental Markets, was selcted as the new President and Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Conservancy. A few months later Goldman Sachs would be given a hefty bailout by the United States taxpayer. I guess if you go green, you will make green.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF): Unlike the Other WWF, this is for real!
The Nature Conservancy was not happy enough with simply strongarming through radical regulation. In 1961, Prince Philip of Britain and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, founded the World Wildlife Fund. The WWF would serve as an intelligence arm for the wealth monarchical oligarchs of Europe.The WWF is one of the most powerful “green organizational'' operating in the world today. Do not let the panda bear fool you, the WWF is responsible for overseeing all of the operations of the global environmentalist movement, including fostering terrorism, insurrections, and civil wars. The WWF claims that it exists only to protect “endangered species'” threatened by industrial development. However, the industrial development that the WWF focuses on is not in China, Japan, the United States or Europe, but in Britain’s former colonies. In Britain’s former colonies in Africa, this goal has been put in motion through setting up ``national parks'' and ``ecological reserves'' outside the control of national governments, in targeted regions. These “ecological reserves” serve as training grounds and safe-havens for British-backed terrorist organizations. Exemplary is the use of the national parks in Africa, to train and protect all the `”liberation fronts'” under British control. Additionally, many of these ‘ecological reserves” have no real value to ecology. Many of them sit over oil fields and coal reserves that African nations can not use and thus they can not enrich themselves from them.
One of the most effective terrorist branches of the British backed WWF is Greenpeace. Founded in 1971 out of the Don't Make a Wave Committee, a coalition of Maoists, Trotskyists, and Canadian members of the Sierra Club placed swords together and founded a new brotherhood of neo-colonial terror. Ben Metcalfe, a retired British Intelligence officer in postwar Germany, became the first chair of Greenpeace. Metcalfe, an ardent Trotskyist and follower of Leon Straus and the New Right, embraced the idea of` “direct action” terrorism. Greenpeace became the terrorist arm of the WWF. It now has branches in 24 countries with headquarters in the Netherlands and an annual budget of $157 million. Its current director is Lord Peter Melchett, heir to the Imperial Chemical Industries fortune.
Prince Phillip ruled as the dictator of the World Wildlife Fund for decades. This “1001 Club” is made up of the prince’s 1,001 closest friends and serves as the ruling counsel of the powerful organization. European monarchs, oligarchs, Hollywood favorites and corporate leaders dominate the 1001 Club. Their goal is to keep Africa and the Two-Thirds World underdeveloped and reliant on their neo-colonial handouts.
“I Wouldn’t Have Nothing If I Didn’t Have You!”
The United States was late to the colonial game. In 1898, the Spanish were scapegoated by William Randolph Hearst and framed for the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine. The Spanish-American War was the United States’, “splendid little war” that gave the country its first imperial holdings in the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and several smaller PacificIslands. Like a grown-up imperial power in Europe, the United States bloodily put down the Filipino Uprising of `1900-1904 and established a puppet government in Cuba. However, all the choice land in Africa was taken and the Americans were unable to engage in the scramble for Africa.
Flash forward to 2010 and the United States now has what it always wanted. Through a string of multinational corporations and United Nations offices, the United States and the Britannian Empire have finally formed what Sir Winston Churchill envisioned: an Anglo-American Pax Romana.
Through theWorldwatch Institute the United States and the United Kingdom keep a close eye on the goings on in the Two-Thirds World. Founded in Washington, D.C., in 1974, Anglo-American researcher Lester Russell Brown became its first director. The Worldwatch Institute maintains that the Earth's carrying capacity has been exceeded. The only way this can be dealt with is Huxley-esque eugenics theory in the Two-Thirds World.
Lester Russell Brown: The Eugenics Madman
Brown is, or has been, affiliated with many groups including Zero Population Growth, the Population Reference Bureau, and the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Brown also serves on the advisory committee of the ``2020 Vision'' program of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Shilling for the World Bank, Brown and his compatriots have put forth eugenics as the only way that world hunger can be avoided. In his 2008 work Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization,Brown declared that, “"the biggest threat to global stability is the potential for food crises in poor countries," and that the Two-Thirds World could “bring down civilization.” Civilization, of course, is only the Pax Romana of the Anglo-American Empire.
Britannia Sits Upon a Thrown that is Green
“Rule Britannia/Britannia rules the waves/Britain’s never, never, never will be slaves,” sings proud British subjects as the queen and her seed preside over the rebirth of the British Empire. It is through the Green Movement that the United Kingdom now rules a shadow empire based on the ideals of Huxley and his ilk. Africa and Central America are powerless to control their own destines and the Anglo-American Empire is more than happy to prop them up for their total obedience.