"The weak must be chiselled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel." - Adolph Hitler, German Leader and Perhaps Little League Coach?
Adults in uniform shouting orders at youth to perform, as if they were not coaching football but were instructing new recruits. Children pushing themselves to the limit in order for the collective to succeed and be victorious. Humiliation and exclusionary tactics being used as motivation techniques. This may sound like the NAZI Youth of old, but it is not. This scene is very modern and is going on across western civilization as we speak-its called youth sports.
Youth sports serve the same function as the NAZI Youth-to indoctrinate youth into becoming great statist leaders, great killers for the state military machine, and to teach conformity to the Government will. The similarities of organized sports and the military are very clear. They both wear uniforms, are bossed around by a "leader", and use peer pressure and shame to extrinsically motivate the herd. These "youth sports" are not there to teach children self-respect, self-control or respect for others, but are instead an education for death pushed by the education system.
The first NSDAP-related organization of German youth was the Jugendbund der NSDAP. It served as the first ever para-millitary youth organization for a political party. In repsonse, the statist Communist Party of Germany founded their own Young Worker's Clubs. Thus, an education for death was established in Germany. Both sides told their young followers that their statist side was the right side, and they needed to fight the other.
The term "brawn over brains" was encoruaged by the Hitler Youth. By 1935, the Hitler Youth was the norm and more than 60% of Germany's young people belonged to it. Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach, a future war criminal, declared 1935 "The Year of Physical Training" and introduced the second major annual Hitler Youth Event event, the Sports Competition. Medals were awarded to youths, those who did not perform well were made fun of and a new "national unity" was acheived throughb Youth Sports. Every summer, a day would now be set aside as the "Day of the State Youth" for these event.
Brawn over brains became the order of the day for Nazis and their youth. ANY opposition youth group was destroyed because this group was different from the Hitler Youth. On April 3, 1933, Schirach sent fifty Hitler Youths storming into the Berlin offices of the Reich Committee of German Youth Associations, an organization representing nearly six million German children involved a huge array of youth programs. The Socialist Worker's Youth Group was set aflame by the Nazi youth. All this was done in the name of youth sports and the nation.
In 1934, the infamous Schirach gave a speech entitled, "The Year of Training," and proclaimed during this now infamous speech, "Whoever marches in the Hitler Youth is not a number among millions but the soldier of an idea. The individual member's value to the whole is determined by the degree to which he is permeated by the idea. The best Hitler Youth, irrespective of rank and office, is he who completely surrenders himself to the National Socialist world view [emphasis added]." As now, this idea of serving a state is strong in youth sports. The pledge of allegience is said before events. The national anthem is played. Sometimes, the president's portrait is hung in gyms. Millitary trainers are attracted to major youth sports events. An education for death.
Finally, below is the Presidential Physical Fitness Award:

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