Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Glenn Speck and The FNC Hush Campaign

Look at that shit eating grin. You can tell Herr Beck enjoys screwing over the worker.

Glenn Beck began his career on Faux News Channel with a bang. He would go on crazy "conspiracy theory" rants against President Obama and his cronies. Many conspiracy theorists and anti-gov/corporatist minds began to think Beck had changed a new leaf from his CNN Government/Corporatist line. At CNN Headline News Beck compared Ron Paul 2008 campaign activists to terrorists and said that he knew President Bush was a, "Good man." He constantly attacked 9/11 Truth activists as, "Morons," and refused to allow Governor Jesse Ventura on his show. In short, at CNN Headline News Beck was a Republican hack who in troop love, Bush love and truth hate.

However, it became apparent almost immediately that Beck's thirst for "truth" at FNC was but a clever rouse. Beck was just playing the old snake oil salesman routine. He is a drama queen willing to do anything to capitalize on sensationalist journalism. He saw an anti-government pulse forming in the country, as well as the popularity of conspiracy theory genres in film with the recent releases of mega hits such as National Treasure and Dan Brown's DaVinci Code films. I thought the purchase of Glenn Beck's soul and the way the FNC agents "turned" him into an "asset" as CIA folks would say, was an isolated incident. But then FNC started to buy more souls. Before I knew it other rogue media personas such as Tucker Carlson,Don Imus, Sarah Palin, Lou Dobbs, signed on to the FNC crime family. Then the unthinkable happened-John Stossel signed on. Even his libertarian soul was bought off by Murdoch. Make no mistake about it, this was all planned by the power elites to shut up all oposition and anti-establishment viewpoints.

John Stossel and Glenn Beck: Two Corporatist Peas in One Murdoch Pod

What is more disturbing is how Glenn Speck's rise to fame occured at the same time the Tea Party movement was gaining mass followers and media attention. Beck grappled on to this movement. It is clear now, from a marketing perspective, that Beck was payed by Murdoch to became the poster boy for the movement. He succesfuly achieved this. While this is not add for corpate machines to take over movements to make money, what is odd is how the Tea Party movenent began to change radicaly after Beck and Fox News took it over.

Former Leader of the People's Republic of Alaska Sarah Palin shilling for the Neo-Conservative Agenda on Herr Beck's program

The Tea Party originaly was ant-establishment-it rage agaisnt both Democrats AND Republicans. Now the Tea Party movement is solely anti -Democrat and anti-Obama. The pre-Fox News Tea Party was anti-War, but after Fox News took it over using Beck, it supports all current wars and new ones with other non-western countries. Even more disturbing is the fascist tone the Tea Party movement took after Beck and FNC took it over. I have never seen so many cops/militaries even at a military base. I don't remeber this from the Tea Party movement pre-Beck.

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