The Reform Party Seal: Now a CIA Eagle
In January 2010, former CIA agent Charles S. Faddis announced that he was "throwing my lot" in with the Reform Party USA. This was truly convenient because the Reform Party USA received 418 votes in the 2008 presidential election, running perennial candidate Ted Weil of Mississippi as their presidential standard bearer. Mr. Faddis, a former CIA operations officer who served for twenty years in the Near East, South Asia and Europe, is on record of opposing any limitations on CIA interrogations of captured terrorists, certainly not a virtue of the classical liberal Reform Party. However, Mr. Faddis's "conversion" to the Reform Party proves that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has been monkeying around not only in the Two-Thirds World, but also in Third Party Politics.

CIA operative, hater of civil liberties and recent Reform Party member Charles Faddis

CIA operative, hater of civil liberties and recent Reform Party member Charles Faddis
You might be asking yourself, "Why in the world would the CIA care about Third Party politics? Aren't they really marginal?" The reason that Third Parties are marginal is because of government and CIA barriers and infiltrations that keep the unnatural two party duopoly in power and reinforce the false "left-right" paradigm that didn't even exist during the French Revolution (when it is claimed to have begun). We need only look at the history of third parties since 1990 to see the infiltration of CIA operatives in their party ranks.

Henry Ross Perot: Public Enemy #1 for the Two-Party Duopoly
In 1992, H. Ross Perot, a billionaire Texas computer magnate, entered the 1992 presidential race promising to bring about an independent populist voice for a nation in recession and suffering from the mismanagement of the Reagan-Bush Years. Perot's folksy speaking style, television chats with charts and powerful debate performances ("I certainly have no experience ringing up a multimillion dollar debt") shook the two-party duopoly to it's core. On Election Day, Perot won 19% of the vote and nearly won the state of Maine. More than 19 million American voters "wasted" their vote on the little man from Texas with the big idea of creating an American third-party. The two-party duopoly was HORRIFIED by Perot's success and so they went about taking over the presidential campaign season.

Before Perot dropped out of the presidential election in July 1992 (simply to reenter in September 1992) he told the nation that former CIA Director, president George Herbert Walker Bush, had sent spies to his daughter's wedding. As Mr. Faddis showed this year, Mr. Perot was telling the truth. The CIA was spying on Perot because they wished to release any damning evidence of illegal or immoral activities on the man from Texas in order to sink his movement. Perot was called "crazy" by a complacent media, but now we know that CIA agents had had an interest in the Reform Party since Perot's independent bid for president in 1992.

Pat Buchanan: Nixon aide, Reagan crony and CIA operative

Three men in a presidential debate? Surely you jest!
In 1995, the League of Women Voter's lost control of the presidential debates and the federal Election Commission (FEC) took the reins of them. The FEC set forth the impossible rules that a candidate must be polling at 15% or higher in an AVERAGE OF NATIONAL POLLS for them to participate in a televisied debate. In 1996, Perot, running for president a second time, was excluded from the debates and only took 8 million votes because the FEC was alligned against his campaign. The two major parties had hijacked American presidential elections to keep any third party candidate from ever getting above 5% of the popular vote ever again. In 2008, third party candidates didn't even take 2% of the vote.Before Perot dropped out of the presidential election in July 1992 (simply to reenter in September 1992) he told the nation that former CIA Director, president George Herbert Walker Bush, had sent spies to his daughter's wedding. As Mr. Faddis showed this year, Mr. Perot was telling the truth. The CIA was spying on Perot because they wished to release any damning evidence of illegal or immoral activities on the man from Texas in order to sink his movement. Perot was called "crazy" by a complacent media, but now we know that CIA agents had had an interest in the Reform Party since Perot's independent bid for president in 1992.

Pat Buchanan: Nixon aide, Reagan crony and CIA operative
In 2000, lifetime Republican Patrick J. Buchanan, who worked for both the Nixon and Reagan White Houses, had a miraculous political epiphany and decided to run for the Reform Party nomination for president of the United States. His bullying and vindictive campaign for president forced hotel mogul Donald Trump, Governors Jesse Ventura and Richard Lamm and several other more legitimate presidential contenders out of the race for the Reform Party nomination and Buchanan won the nomination. He took the Reform Party to the extreme right, alienating the classical liberal constituents who made up the party constituency. This was a hostile CIA take over of the Reform Party. Buchanan is an ivy league, Washington, D.C., elitist who attended Georgetown University (otherwise known as CIA University because it graduates a record number of future CIA operatives every year) and worked as an enforcer for socialist President Richard Milhous Nixon. If any man was not in sync with the Reform Party, it was the neo-theocratic Pat Buchanan. The fact that Buchanan selected anti-homosexual rights activist Ezola Foster, whop defended racial segregation in the South, as his running-mate is proof that the ticket was a CIA backed plot against the Reform Party.
Since 2000, where Buchanan took less than 500,000 votes compared to 8 million for Perot in 1996, the Reform Party has been on a super steady decline. The CIA coup has destroyed the Reform Party. The Buchanan suicide mission in 2000 was a success and America's third party has yet to be born. However, the Reform Party is not the only party where CIA operatives have strangled a legitimate anti-establishment movement.
Bob Barr preparing to strangle the Libertarian Party
Since 2000, where Buchanan took less than 500,000 votes compared to 8 million for Perot in 1996, the Reform Party has been on a super steady decline. The CIA coup has destroyed the Reform Party. The Buchanan suicide mission in 2000 was a success and America's third party has yet to be born. However, the Reform Party is not the only party where CIA operatives have strangled a legitimate anti-establishment movement.

2008 was the next year in which a major threat was levied against the two party duopoly. Another big eared, big brained Texan had introduced idea that the CIA did not like and they needed to quiet this movement before it could make any real change to the system. This Texan was Congressman Ron Paul and his movement was the Ron Paul Revolution. Despite the corporate media's war against Congressman Paul, he still managed to raise more money than any other GOP candidate in the primaries and won every post-debate poll (Much to the chagrin of media and CIA hacks Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity). With this new, libertarian, anti-establishment, anti-CIA force building up the CIA sent one of it's own to hijack the Libertarian Party: former Congressman and white supremacist Bob Barr.
Bob Barr made an interesting "conversion" to the Libertarian Party in 2006. Despite the fact that he was a former Drug Czar, federal prosecutor, CIA agent and Central American medeler, Bob Barr had a MIRACULOUS change of heart in 2006. Despite the fact that Barr was a supporter of the war on drugs (and still is), voted for the PATRIOT Act, voted fro the Iraq War Resolution, voted for BIll Clinton's Comprehensive Ant-Terrorism Act of 1995, voted to ban the practice of Wicca in the military, introduced the anti-freedom Defense of Marriage Act and led the hypocritical impeachment of Bill Clinton inn1998 (Barr has been married three times and was caught licking whip cream off a woman at a 1981 Republican fundraiser) he claimed to have completely ended his CIA and neo-conservative ways by the time he hijacked the Libertarian Party in 2008.
It should be noted that the the 2008 Libertarian National Convention Barr did not start out as the front-runner. The front-runner was Wayne Allyn Root, a bad libertarian but not a CIA plant. Professor Mary Ruwart of Texas, an anarcho-libertarian, was nipping at Root's heals. Barr was a distant third, that was until an amazing shift occurred in balloting. How did this occur? I do not know, seeing how Barr entered the race late and was generally disliked by his fellow Libertarian National Committee members. I guess they all had a miraculous change of heart!
Now excuse me while I throw-up. Bob Barr hijacked the Libertarian Party to stop it from nominating an actual libertarian for the office of the presidency. Like Pat Buchanan in 2000, Barr's suicide mission has fractured the Libertarian Party and further strengthened the two-party duopoly. As of 2010, the Libertarian Party has dropped in membership and donations because of the nomination of CIA plant Bob Barr and media stooge Wayne Allyn Root as it's presidential and vice-presidential standard bearers. The CIA has killed the Libertarian Party.

Bob Barr made an interesting "conversion" to the Libertarian Party in 2006. Despite the fact that he was a former Drug Czar, federal prosecutor, CIA agent and Central American medeler, Bob Barr had a MIRACULOUS change of heart in 2006. Despite the fact that Barr was a supporter of the war on drugs (and still is), voted for the PATRIOT Act, voted fro the Iraq War Resolution, voted for BIll Clinton's Comprehensive Ant-Terrorism Act of 1995, voted to ban the practice of Wicca in the military, introduced the anti-freedom Defense of Marriage Act and led the hypocritical impeachment of Bill Clinton inn1998 (Barr has been married three times and was caught licking whip cream off a woman at a 1981 Republican fundraiser) he claimed to have completely ended his CIA and neo-conservative ways by the time he hijacked the Libertarian Party in 2008.
It should be noted that the the 2008 Libertarian National Convention Barr did not start out as the front-runner. The front-runner was Wayne Allyn Root, a bad libertarian but not a CIA plant. Professor Mary Ruwart of Texas, an anarcho-libertarian, was nipping at Root's heals. Barr was a distant third, that was until an amazing shift occurred in balloting. How did this occur? I do not know, seeing how Barr entered the race late and was generally disliked by his fellow Libertarian National Committee members. I guess they all had a miraculous change of heart!
Now excuse me while I throw-up. Bob Barr hijacked the Libertarian Party to stop it from nominating an actual libertarian for the office of the presidency. Like Pat Buchanan in 2000, Barr's suicide mission has fractured the Libertarian Party and further strengthened the two-party duopoly. As of 2010, the Libertarian Party has dropped in membership and donations because of the nomination of CIA plant Bob Barr and media stooge Wayne Allyn Root as it's presidential and vice-presidential standard bearers. The CIA has killed the Libertarian Party.

Barr and Root celebrating the death of the Libertarian Party
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