Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Green Movement" =Corporate Bailout

The New Swastika?

The supposed "Green" movement is a government/corporatist ploy to make more money off of the working man. If the movement was really all about saving the planet by reducing pollution then the only solution would be to outlaw all cars, trucks, factories and other industrialized beasts. Instead the establishment tells us that we can keep all these pollution spewing beasts, however we must pay them more to get a beast that spews less poison. SO it is good that we poison the Earth so long as we only poison the Earth a little bit. This idea makes about as much sense as a theory of :limited government." The consumer is paying more than ever for an auto but getting less than ever. But the Corporate Government goes even farther.

The most fuel efficient car in the world, but the government won't be subsidizing it!

The entire Corporate Government has delighted in the "green" movement because they can cheat us out of more and then tell us it is our fault because we are killing the planet. Think about it. Portion sizes continue to get less and less but the prices keep sky rocketing. I was drinking a McDonald's diet coke and the recycled cup was of such poor quality that after 20 minutes of holding liquid the bottom gave out. Try to find a garbage can in a city. There isn't any! I guess all the trash doesn't exist anymore. Or perhaps the worker has to throw it away on his own dime. Paper products are now sold in lesser quantity and to more cost to the worker. Go into a grocery store and lick up all the great new planet saving varieties of old brand name products-enjoy less of them and pay twice as much.

"Ringle, ringle, green movement coins when they mingle make such a lovely sound!"

It is already well documented by Alex Jones about my home land, Austria, and other European countries adoption of Green Police that pry into the workers home to make sure that he isn't raping the planet. Why not look at the corporations and military-industrial complex first. Perhaps there poison oozing factories are more to blame for poison then a worker throwing away a kleenex.

Jon Entine: One of the Many New Faces of Green Corporatism

Now we should look at one of the many little known bureaucrats who stands to make a killing from the Corporate Green Movement. Jon Entine is a senior fellow at the pro-genetic mutation think tank American Enterprise Institute. Mr. Entine is a former producer at ABC News who claims to know what corporate responsibility is. He has already written a wonderful piece of racist propaganda, Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk about It (2000), has defended corporate gambling, Pension Fund Politics: The Dangers of Socially Responcibile Investing (2005), and has shilled for big agriculture and genetic mutations in food, Let them Eat Precautions: How Politics is Undermining the Genetic revolution in Agriculture (2006). With this sterling record how can one not see Mr. Entine as the paragon of corporate responsibility? Now he and the AEI are researching new books about green technology and finding ways to co-op green ideals with corporate greed. Entine has written about "green investing" and how it can be changed to benefit the corporation and end that ever evil "social justice" component of capitalism that Adam Smith wrote about in The Wealth of Nations. I guess Mr. Entine was skipping class at the University of Michigan when the last chapter of the Wealth of Nations was discussed.

Plain and simple, the Green Movement is another corporate bailout on the workers dime. For the first time in history the government and corporations can cheap skate and blame it on the worker.

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