Never plan your day by using info gleaned from a "weatherman".The goal of weather forecasters is to attract ratings for their different media outlets, at the very least.
A more nefarious goal is to alter commodities markets for their moneyed investors. Think about it. Why does corporate media news outlets have weathermen and woman giving forecasts? Weather is a local phenomena but we have corporate news giving out forecasts for the entire nation. The reason this is done is for the same reason big pharmaceutical companies barrage the viewer with ads for new drugs. People off the street can not demand that their doctor give them the latest pharmaceutical drug so why do the big drug companies advertise to the masses? It is to get the name of the company out to the stockholder community.
Therefore weather forecasters use their mass media position to influence commodity markets such as corn, rice, cattle, -items that can be bought and sold that are dependent on future weather conditions.
The local weathermen use their position to scare old people. I go to the grocery store on a set pattern and I don't change. The reason for this is because I go to the store at a time when very few people are crowding the aisles. I can't tell you how many times my shopping experience has been bombarded with masses of elderly people that have been scared into grabbing up milk and bread at the store to prepare for the "Big One", the storm that will bring everything down. The stores love it when the media reports the possibility of bad weather because it brings boondoggle profits that day. The media loves to report it because it brings them great ratings. This is an example of the media/corporate alliance. These bottom feeders use each other to trick the masses into supporting them.
The moral of the story- never should you let a weather forecast change even one thing you planned to do. If you do, you let them win.
The moral of the story- never should you let a weather forecast change even one thing you planned to do. If you do, you let them win.
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