The new Great Seal of the United States?
I've noticed America has followed my European homelands lead, and cities everywhere are requiring all households to purchase expensive plastic garbage cans in order for our trash masters to haul our garbage away. They have a special mechanized beast that has an attachment to pick up the plastic cans. Of course all the cans you are forced to purchase have a serial code number to track the contents of your household amongst other nefarious schemes.
There are reasons given for the forced purchase of garbage cans:
1) Save the environment
2) Save the worker from injury. Obviously these reasons are lies.

A communist bear makes sure that our trash is green and fascist enough.
The real reason is for our government slave masters to save more money to pay themselves, using the workers taxes/wages of course. A side benefit to our rulers is the policing benefit of tracking garbage. Green police will soon visit the American Empire household very shortly.
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