A group of American students celebrate their bright future of becoming school loan debt slaves!
"The very fact that they were poets made them think that they had a perfect understanding of all other subjects, of which they were totally ignorant," Socrates tells the people of Athens in his Apology, explaining to the people that the poets of Athens were not geniuses in everything and could never be! This was a basic tenant of Socratic thought: "I knwo that I do not know." In American universities today, however, Socratic thought is limited to "Intro to Political Thought 1010" where the drunken freshmen complain about how "boring" the professor is and how they would much rather be drinking and/or sexing. However, in the American university system (Big University) the "liberal arts" are trying to make an expert out of every student on every subject. This is not Socratic in the least and only a plan to make Big University millions at the cost of American students becoming student loan slaves.
Record numbers of sheep are buying into the college Ponzi scheme. A Google search of "record number of students enrolled in college" yields 16,000,000 hits. Every state in the union has a their own thread where the education department of the state is bragging about the record enrollments in state and private colleges. David Metzen, director of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, said education officials have been working tirelessly over the years to increase the number of students going to college. "I think the next big shift is going to be working with the students that are there and working very hard at completing what they finish," Metzen told Minnesota Public Radio (MPR). Mr. Metzen (whose name almost sounds like "metzger" the German word for "butcher") is more than happy to enslave children in the perpetual debt as long as he can meet his self-determined quotas of college attendance. The scary thing is, Mr. Metzen is only ONE OF MILLIONS of educational bureaucrats whose job is to con kids into going to college.

How our College System works.
Here is how the scheme works: First the "student" (ho or bro) goes to college where they the government pays for them for 4 years. In 1965 big Dimmycrat Lyndon Baines Johnson took time off of overthrowing Central American governments and killing John F. Kennedy to sign the Higher Education Act of 1965. This was the slave pact that the Great Society signed for a generation of American young people. The law was intended “to strengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in postsecondary and higher education.” This lofty goal was exactly what the government hoped for. It was the silk statement for an iron rule.With the patrician Senator Claiborn Pell (D-RI) leading the way, the Federal Pell Grant was invented and the chains of school slavery were placed on the ankles of every middle class American student. These grants can be taken out by ANY student (provided you don't reach *gasp* 180 credit hours!) and, under GEAR UP Program (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) these Pell Grants can no longer be denied to any student who does not have a drug charge. Under the 1998 GEAR UP Program the government stated that all Pell grants and GEAR UP scholarships had to cover 75% of academic costs for a four year college. This is a big sell-out to Big University because the university can just continue to hike costs of living expenses and use this GEAR UP requirement as the reason that they are raising rates.
The second part to the College Ponzi Scheme is refusing graduation to students. Students can easily find themselves one class short of graduation. This is a classic example of "Bait and Switch" in which the Big University allows students to come to class, but they switch graduation requirements. Across the nation Grandfather Clauses that protected students from new requirements are being stripped away all in the name of "liberal arts." The liberal arts program is what makes it impossible to graduate college in less than four years. Big University administrators know that if they attempt the fallacy of making everyone an expert on everything, then they can make a killing by forcing deluded college debt slaves to trod through courses that make NO DIFFERENCE in their chosen career path.

"This slavery sure is interesting!"
The third step to the College Ponzi Scheme is the lack of employment that mass education leads to. The large amount of people with college degrees have now led employers to view the degree as a very expensive high school diploma. A college education today is NOT AN ASSURANCE you will get a job. Once the bro or ho receives their diploma they are off to get their master's degree or doctorate. The scariest part of this third step is the number of people going off to law school. Take a look at this chart below:
The number of people taking an LSAT (Legal Scholastic Aptidtude Test) is way up. Enrollment in law schools are way up. The government is using this debt slavery to lead people to take up more debt and become law minions. Thus the road to serfdom is completed through college. College debt slavery is established, no jobs can be found and more than 60,000 new lawyers will be hitting the streets of America ready to oppress the working man. As Louie Armstrong sang, "And I think to myself/What a wonderful world."
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