In Ancient Rome the unwashed masses enjoyed seeing strangely formed people kill one another. Thus,it was the cradle for all western thought.
The Empire is throwing another Chariot Race to the unwashed masses. Basketball tournament time has come to the American Empire once again. The worker will be consumed with this diversion for the next few weeks. Get up, check scores, go to work and listen to the chariot races, come home listening to the chariot races, and then plop in front of the TV and shut the brain off. Every worker has filled out their bracket and chosen the team they think will win so that they can root for them. The only worker that will benefit is the one who bets on the game, which is illegal-the Empire would not want the worker to profit from their mind control scheme.
If Duke wins, how does the workers' life change? It doesn't. However, the corporate elite just sucked more money from the workers wallet by charging the food producers to advertise to the working masses.Other Western countries have similar phenomena such as Soccer tourneys, or cricket. In Austria we have a whole score of sport diversions.
A suggestion: Instead of watching the games, read Stirner, Marx, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Filmer, Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Von Mises, Hayek, Stephen Sears, the Bible, Ron Paul, a conspiracy book, or a book on entrepreneurial endeavors-basically anything to improve the mind or the human condition.
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